Shark Week auf Deutsch: Interactive Vocabulary Exercises

German interactive vocabulary exercises

It’s Shark Week — Hai-Woche! And if you would like to practice German vocabulary related to sharks and their ocean home, you have come to the right place! Keep reading for interactive vocabulary exercises from the comfort of your own zu Hause.

When you think of a German Strand (beach), you probably don’t think of sharks. But there are at least 28 species found in the Nordsee. You just won’t find that Hai. Der weiße Hai may be the most feared shark but it isn’t found in German waters.

Er wohnt doch in den USA. In fact, none of the shark species humans are typically afraid of live anywhere near the German Küste. This might seem to make the Nordsee an ideal vacation spot, but der weiße Hai prefers our Strände (beaches) for the same reason we do. They are wärmer.

We don’t know a lot about the sharks of the Nordsee, but researchers across the border in den Niederlanden want to change that. With the help of Fischer, they are tagging sharks and rays with small Tags (yes, it’s the same in German). These Tags collect a variety of Informationen about their activity. These pop off the Fisch later and float to the surface where Fischer or Strandbesucher (beachgoers) find them and send the Tags back to researchers at Wageningen University to study.

Are you ready for a swim? Grab your Badeanzug and practice with these interactive vocabulary exercises. They can be a little trickier on a cell phone, especially when you get to the questions on the video. The arrows on the bottom right will full screen the presentation. And if you are looking for more interactive exercises, check out my post on the solar eclipse and join my mailing list so you don’t miss future content!

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